Hearing Loss on TODAY
Yesterday on the TODAY show they featured hearing loss in America, and the alarming rate that Adults are experiencing loss. The show emphasized the importance of hearing protection and monitoring your hearing abilities. Take a look at the segment below. Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Motorcycle Helmets and Hearing Loss
A new study, “Motorcycle helmets and the frequency dependence of temporary hearing threshold shift,” indicates that motorcycle helmets may be contributing to hearing loss, despite helmets covering ears from the high-speed wind noise. While the roar of a motorcycle engine is loud, studies have revealed that the biggest source of noise for motorcyclists is generated by air…
Summer Reading Challenge
Have you joined into our summer reading challenge yet? Our speech team is challenging all the kiddos we know to jump into literacy this summer by reading at least 10 books. Every child that reads 1o books, and fills out our reading challenge form will win a gift card to Target! For those that wish…
Summer Fun Sessions Coming Soon!
The speech team’s favorite time of year is just around the corner, the Speech Summer Fun Sessions! The two weeks of silliness takes the fun of summer camp indoors with themes, crafts, games and more. We’ll be kicking off the two weeks of fun in our Kirkland office on August 15th and in our Redmond…
Cocktail Party Phenomenon
There have been numerous studies showing the superman like powers we posses by being born male or female. We’ve learned through research (and experience) that females are more verbally fluent, have better manual dexterity and are better at noticing things (like a new haircut). Men, on the other hand, often take less time parking their cars and…
Continued Education with Oticon
Last night members of the audiology team attended a continued education presentation by Stig Seitzberg and Jim Kothe from Oticon. The evening educated the team on new products and future advancements in hearing instrumentation. Our team prides itself on being cutting edge with new technology and by bringing in industry experts to teach them, they…
Focus Group
This evening patients from our clinic are participating in a hearing instrument focus group with the manufacturer Oticon. The evening will educate our patients on the future of instrumentation and connectivity as well as allow them to share feedback on their experiences to be used for future device creation. The group was put together with…
Second Hand Smoke and Hearing Loss
In a recent report from the Archives of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, it was found that exposure to secondhand smoke is associated with an increased risk of hearing loss among adolescents. It was found that approximately 60 percent of U.S. children are exposed to second hand smoke leading to numerous illnesses and health complications including…
The Great Book Exchange
Do you have books sitting around your house that you haven’t read in awhile? Bring them into our Kirkland or Redmond office and receive a “book buck” for every one you turn in. At the end of the month you’ll be able to turn in those book bucks for a dig through our collection bin…
Another Great Derby Days
We were proud to be a community sponsor for the Redmond Derby Days Kid’s Parade again this year. The clinic has participated in the festival for over 27 years, being one of the longest standing sponsors. This years celebration was one of the largest parades in the festivals history. The clinic handed out pirate goodie…