Our doctors and clinicians have been hard at work these past couple months attending courses, online workshops, and participating in literature reviews. Here are some highlights in continuing education for our professional staff:
Doctors Cheryl Lokanis and Neeru Rohila-Chadha participated in an online course on Central Auditory Processing Disorder (C)APD by Dr. Teri James Bellis. The course covered current perspectives on the screening, assessment and treatment of (C)APD along with the neuroscience behind the disorder and the relationship it had on language, learning and communication difficulties.
On February 25th Speech-Language Pathologist Jennifer Dierenfeld attended “Accent Reduction 101” course with Elizabeth Peterson, MA. The course outlined the parameters for a successful accent modification program, and techniques to generate greater results and confidence in the standard American accent.
Speech-Language Pathologists Maryam Sadrzadeh and Jennifer Dierenfeld attended the University of Washington’s Supervisor Workshop on March 31st. The topic of discussion was how to hold difficult conversations with students.