Ringing In My Ears!
On Monday, March 9th, Audiology Assistant Gini Retka presented “Ringing In My Ears!” a one hour class prepared for the Kenmore Senior Center. 15 people attended the informative session, which guided the group through tinnitus issues, and recommendations. Gini was amazed by the attentiveness of the group, and thoughtful questions that occurred during the question and answer section. Many…
Hearing Instruments and Cell Phone
The Better Hearing Institute recently came out with an article called, “How to Buy a Cell Phone if You Have a Hearing Loss,” by Janice Schacter. The article takes the traditional material available in the “Hearing Aid Compatibility for Wireless Telephones,” brochure produced by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) along with The Wireless Associations brochure on “Hearing…
WWU Career Fair
Speech Program Director Maryam Sadrzdeh and I will be attending the Western Washington University CSD Special & Rehabilitation Services Career Fair from 12:00 to 3:00pm today in Bellingham, Washington. The fair brings undergraduate and graduate students in Speech Language Pathology, Special Education, Pre-Occupational Therapy, Pre-Physical Therapy, or Pre-Audiology to meet and learn about career opportunities throughout Western…
ESHC Honored With Coveted PRSA Totem Award
Evergreen Speech & Hearing Clinic was just notified that their grassroots hearing awareness campaign, Turn It Down: an EAR-Responsible Concert, was honored with a Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) Totem Award. The Totem Award’s honor the best work of communications professionals in Washington state, recognizing professional excellence and ingenuity in more than 25 categories,…
Concert Planning Underway
The fourth annual Turn It Down: EAR-responsible Concert planning is already well underway and we are excited to welcome back some of our dedicated sponsors (Oticon and Westone) and say hello to a new contributor (H.E.A.R.) all of which will help to make this years’ event a success! A special thanks to the Kirkland Teen…
Stuttering Support Group Tonight
Join us for the Eastside Stuttering Support Group tonight (Wednesday, February 18th) from 7-9pm in the Evergreen Physician and Surgery Center room TAN 134. The Eastside National Stuttering Association Chapter offers those who stutter, or those who support stuttering, a safe and comfortable place to meet and converse. If you would like more information on the evening…
Listening Tips for Friends and Family Class
One of the most unique elements of our CONNECT Hearing Instrument Program is the Listening Tips for Friends and Family Class which provides information and tips on how to help your loved one hear to their full potential. The seminar, which takes place several times a month at all three office locations, is an open discussion that touches…
Happy Valentine’s Day
From all of us here at Evergreen Speech & Hearing Clinic!
Winter Newsletter Coming Your Way!
Keep a look out for our Winter Newsletter arriving in your mailbox in the next few days. The special edition newsletter includes a letter from our founder Doctor of Audiology Tom Norwood, information on the winner of our Refer A Friend of Family Member contest, a 30 year celebration timeline and information on the Dual!…
Eastside Stuttering Support Group Celebrate One Year Anniversary Tonight!
Join us for the one year anniversary of the Eastside Stuttering Support Group TONIGHT at the Evergreen Physician and Surgical Center – Room TAN 134 from 7-9pm. The program will included a look back on the past year, setting goals personally and as a group for 2009, games, discussion topics, and of course celebration treats!…