Tips for Managing Tinnitus at Home
Tinnitus is a multi-faceted system. People with tinnitus experience a perception of ringing, roaring, hissing, or clicking sounds. Over 50 million Americans (1 in 5 people) are affected by tinnitus. Tinnitus can’t be cured, but there are treatments that make it less of a distraction. The approach taken depends on the underlying condition responsible for…
Hearing Beyond the Technology
If you’ve taken the first step toward better hearing by investing in hearing devices, you deserve to be congratulated. You now have an opportunity to develop good communication habits designed to maximize the benefits you receive from wearing hearing devices. To understand and communicate effectively, you must learn to be a good listener and to…
High Tech and Hearing Aids
One of the most exciting parts of being in the hearing health profession over the past few decades is watching the wealth of high-technology products reach the market. The transition to digital-based tech has enabled features and individual adaptability that were unheard of prior to the turn of the century, when hearing aids were really…
A New Year and a New Focus On Your Hearing
It’s a new year and once again time for some resolutions. Maybe one of them should be a focus on taking back your hearing health — and thus an important aspect of your life. The first thing to focus on is that word health. Your hearing isn’t an isolated part of your body’s work; it’s…
Communication Workshops in 2019!
Interested in learning ways to better manage hearing loss? We finalized our Winter 2019 schedule for communication workshops! These workshops are free of charge to patients and offer tips and tricks to communicate better in noisy situations either at home or out and about. Both recent and experienced hearing aid users alike can learn and…
Happy Holidays 2018
From all of us at Evergreen Speech & Hearing Clinic we wish you a happy holiday season!
It Could Be Nothing, But Then Again …
Changes in one’s ability to hear can be disorientating and more than a little frightening. Sometimes these changes are a byproduct of other health issues that, when addressed, will solve the hearing problem. In some cases, something simple is going on, like earwax buildup or an untreated perforated eardrum, that treatment of the direct cause…
coaching parents leads to language skills infants
A new study from the University of Washington found that coaching parents leads to better language skills among infants. “Language learning can be ignited during daily routines, such as diaper changes, grocery shopping or sharing a meal. Everyday moments and daily interactions really matter, and parents can create more such moments and be more intentional about…
Wishing You a Happy Thanksgiving
We’d like to take this Thanksgiving as an opportunity to thank all of our ESHC patients and staff. A friendly reminder that our office will be closed for Thanksgiving Nov. 22nd & 23rd. Enjoy the holiday!
Halloween in The Halls
Happy Halloween from ESHC! Trick or Treat with us all day Oct. 31.