Page Ahead
Since 1990 Page Ahead has provided new books and reading activities that empower at-risk children. The organization was initially founded by members of the Seattle Chamber of Commerce’s “Leadership Tomorrow” program, and went by the name “Books for Kids.” Since then, the organization has donated more than 2 million new books for children to use…
Testosterone and Risk of Language Delay
In a recent MSNBC article they discussed a new study that found infant boys exposed to high levels of the male hormone testosterone before birth with double the risk for language delay as females. The study appears Jan. 26 in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. The Australian researchers noted that male fetuses have 10 times…
Meet Marketing Director Jody Norwood
Jody Norwood grew up in Kirkland, and starting in high school she developed a dream of working in public relations and advertising. She was intrigued by the creativity, innovation and constant changes of the field that still fascinate her today. She received her bachelors degree in public relations and advertising from Chapman University in Southern…
Parents and Teens Not Talking About Hearing Loss
Over a year ago we blogged about new research that showed that 1 in 5 teens in the United States showing signs of hearing loss. Knowing this information we were shocked to read a new poll that came out from the University of Michigan C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital that shows many parents don’t think their…
Famous Stutterers
The Winter 2012 edition of The Stuttering Foundation newsletter highlighted a handful of celebrities who have lived their lives with a stutter. According to the foundation’s website more than 68 million people stutter world wide, and there are four times as many males than females that stutter. This figure includes actors and actresses, politicians, writers,…
Seattle Deaf Film Festival
For the first time in the Northwest, audiences can expect to see films created by, for, or about the deaf community, in generes ranging from documentary to drama to comedy to animation, in the Seattle Deaf Film Festival. The event will be held at the University of Washington, March 30 through April 1. The festival is presented…
Meet Speech Coordinator Amanda Cendoya
Amanda Cendoya grew up in Woodinville, and as a child she had dreams of becoming a teacher or a marine biologist. She attended Western Washington University, and there she found her passion for writing. Amanda received her bachelor of arts degree in Journalism-Public Relations in 2009. Amanda has been with ESHC for almost two years…
Promoting Speech Development in Infants
In a recent blog written by speech-language pathologist Jacqueline Kellner-Hiczewski, she talks about the importance of talking to your child from birth to promote speech development. The blog explains that from birth parents should act like their child’s teacher. Jacqueline offers some examples of taking advantage of everyday activities that are great opportunities to communicate…
Get Fit
For the new year, many of us have set a resolution to “get fit!” While you may be concentrating on the tradmill, you might also want to consider adding a “work out” for your brain in the new year! Our brains are complex, with different areas and functions that can all be enhanced through mental…
A Big Snow Day Thanks
We want to send out a BIG thank you to our staff, clinicians and doctors for making the trek to the office over the past two days through the slush and snow. Our speech team will be in the office again tomorrow morning. Should you need to cancel or reschedule, please let us know. Have…