Together we are stronger!
ESHC operates under the guiding principles of Collaboration and a personalized and customized plan of care for every patient and family. Collaborating with families to design a customized treatment plan is what we strive for every day. Through our years of experience we have learned that the more our clients and caregivers understand about their, or their…
“L” is for Language and Love
We ran into a wonderful and brave post on the blog Birds, Bees and Bloom called “‘L’ is for Language and Love” that shares a mothers journey in learning to communicate with her deaf child. Her story began 24 years ago before baby sign language was mainstream before youtube had sign language tutorials and before…
Experience Auditory Rehabilitation
We received news this week of the second annual University of Washington Experience Auditory Rehabilitation (EAR) Conference June 18-21, 2013. The EAR program provides a unique opportunity for adults who are living with hearing loss, and their communication partners, to be a part of group classes that touch on coping, facilitating communication and advances in hearing instruments….
Protecting hearing through the use of acoustic monitoring
Today’s post is a guest blog from Dr. Thomas Norwood, an avid fan of music and hearing protection. Enjoy these tips from our in house musician expert! One of the greatest challenges to musicians is protecting their hearing during live stage musical performances. Music venues, unfortunately, are not regulated and the sound intensity to musicians…
Hearing Loss Association Meeting
Join the Hearing Loss Association of Bellevue on Saturday, January 12th at 1pm in welcoming Erin Ross, M.S. and Perry Anderson as they discuss Vocational Rehabilitation. The two work at the Bellevue Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) which provides services to individuals who want to work but need assistance due to a physical, sensory, cognitive…
Living With a Sound You Can’t Turn Off
Earlier this month the New York Times published a story by Jane Brody about living with tinnitus. We loved the real life account of what it is like to live with constant sounds in your head, along with the current treatment approaches and research studies taking place. We are proud to use some of the…
Understanding Your Audiogram
Our doctors are here to share their knowledge on the audiogram, a graph used to illustrate how you hear during a hearing evaluation. Across the top of an audiogram are the frequencies, or pitches, of sounds, from low sounds to high and down the side are measures of intensity, or loudness, of sounds, from soft…
Hearing Developmental Milestones
We often get asked by new parents, what the signs are of healthy hearing in their child? There are several developmental milestones related to hearing that you should look for! We’ve compiled a list of things to keep an eye out for, and suggest at any time, if you have concerns that you visit your…
Inspiring Story on Hearing Loss
Four months ago Austin Chapman, a 23 year old film producer who was born profoundly deaf, was fit with a set of hearing instruments that allowed him to clearly hear and understand music for the first time in his life. So what does a twenty something decide to do when able to truly hear music…
Are earphones on your kids’ holiday gift lists? Add a hearing screening
In a new research poll that was released by University of Michigan’s Mott Children’s Hospital it was found that parents are in favor of required hearing screenings for kids all the way up to age 17…and with good reason. Just yelling “turn it down” isn’t enough when young people are blasting music directly into their ears…