Hearing Protection for the Marines
We saw a press release pass through our email box last week and thought our readers would enjoy learning more about how our troops are working to protect them hearing. Did you know that hearing loss is now the second most common battlefield injury, surpassed only by blast trauma? Between 2001 and 2008, 6,300 Marines…
Meet Front Office Manager Tyla Martens
Redmond front office manager Tyla Martens grew up in Lake City, Minnesota and lived there until the fourth grade, when her family moved to Washington. Growing up she had dreams of being a librarian, teacher or working with animals. After attending college back in Minnesota, Tyla found herself in Washington again, and has been working for…
Meet Audiologist Assistant Laura Best
Audiology assistant Laura Best has lived in California, Maryland and Washington. She made her way to the Pacific Northwest prior to starting college at Western Washington University where she earned her bachelor of science degree in communication disorders. Laura has worked at ESHC since 2008 helping our audiology team offer the best patient care. Working…
What does music sound like with CIs?
Have you ever wondered what music sounds like for people who wear Cochlear Implants (CIs)? The House Research Institute has put together a simulator to demonstrate how music sounds to persons with CIs. Follow the link to hear how others hear.
The Big Day
Today at 3pm, we receive the keys to our newly expanded suite in the Redmond office! Starting Monday morning we’ll be seeing patients in suite 208. The entire staff is going to be busy packing and moving this weekend – we can’t wait to share the new space with you all…but first there is a…
HLA “Ask It Basket”
Join the Hearing Loss Association of Bellevue (HLA) this Saturday during their “Ask It Basket” session! The meeting is an open discussion and Q&A time for people with hearing loss. This is a great opportunity to hear what others have done in similar situations. The discussion will be facilitated by Karen Utter, current board member of HLA-WA,…
Meet Audiology Assistant Tara Weaver
Audiology Assistant Tara Weaver is the newest member to our ESHC family. She grew up in Olympia with her parents and sister, and attended Timberline High School. She then moved on to the University of Washington where she earmed her bachelors degree in speech and hearing sciences. In the future Tara would like to pursue…
Quiet Campus
Earlier this week mtv U premiered a new series called “Quiet Campus,” giving an in depth look at the lives of four deaf and hard of hearing students at Gallaudet University in Washington, DC. Senior vice president of programming at mtv U said, “Quiet Campus shines a spotlight on the hopes and dreams of these…
Loop America
Have you ever seen the word “loop” in movie theaters or venues and wondered what it meant? Loop technology is typically installed on the floor around the periphery of a room. It is made out of a thin strand of copper wire that radiates electromagnetic signals that are picked up by tiny receivers that are…
Free Hearing Screenings
Today we are offering free hearing screenings from 10am-12:30pm at the Redmond Senior Center. Drop by to find out if you are hearing to the best of your abilities and ask your hearing health questions! Fourth year doctoral student Whitney Jacky will be running the screenings. We hope to see you there!