Better Hearing and Speech Month (BHSM) was founded in 1927, by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). Since then, it has been observed by hundreds of organizations and millions of people all over the country and the world. While some groups put emphasis on either hearing or speech disorders, Evergreen Speech and Hearing Clinic approaches BHSM through the lens of collaboration. As a practice with hearing and speech services under one roof, we address all communication disorders through interconnected and comprehensive therapy programs in each department. We are proud to have a team so dedicated to bringing the best care to our patients and community!
This year the ESHC staff have hosted and attended a multitude of events ranging from Hearing Health Forums to the Kirkland Mother’s Day Half Marathon and 5K. We kicked off Better Hearing and Speech Month with a celebration of Voice Day in late April in collaboration with Dr. Wm. Gregory Young, otolaryngologist. Together we welcomed singers and performers at our Kirkland clinic to discuss voice hygiene and practice healthy voice exercises.
The UW Hearing Health Forum took place on April 26th and involved Audiology students from the University of Washington. While the future audiologists had an opportunity to present what they have learned, our patients enjoyed presentations on brain hearing, listening effort, and hearing in social settings.
UW students with our ESHC Staff
As a community-conscious clinic, we assembled more than 2000 earplug kits to promote hearing protection for our patients and friends.
Ear-plug staffing
Cooking at Tent City
Additionally, we taught a Speech Reading courses at the Emerald Heights Retirement Center in Redmond. One of our biggest community events this year was cooking and serving dinner to residents of Camp Unity at St. Jude’s Church in Redmond. The ESHC staff was humbled and thankful for everyone who participated and brought donations to this Tent City organization. Our staff also participated in a series of Boot Camp sessions with a wellness trainer, preparing for the Kirkland Mother’s Day 5K run. During this event the clinic staff spread the word on hearing health and educated the community about Better Hearing and Speech Month.
ESHC staff at the 5K run
Following tradition, Evergreen Speech and Hearing Clinic hosted a special hearing event, from May 16-18. During this event the ESHC audiologists introduced rechargeable hearing aids to everyone who is curious about hearing technology. This event further pushed ESHC to provide the best patient care possible, with the clinic audiologists helping patients of all ages to find solutions to their communication needs. Other events included a stuttering support group for families, and a special lecture for our employees on living with dyslexia by John Curley.