Evergreen Speech and Hearing Clinic Internship Program sucess

Evergreen Looks to a Bright Future

Who would have thought that Evergreen Speech and Hearing would be such a hot bed for internships? Evergreen Speech and Hearing has grown a great deal in the past 36 years and so has its Internship Program. Over the last few years, Evergreen has offered more internships and educational opportunities than ever before. Most recently, the clinics offered internships at the post graduate, graduate and undergraduate levels giving hardworking, bright students a chance to have hands on learning experience in the audiology and speech pathology world.

Having higher education internship opportunities allows Evergreen Speech and Hearing to work with students of all different levels of interest. Post Graduates are usually extremely focused and already well on their way to becoming the next generation of Speech Pathologists or Audiologists. Graduate students are just figuring out if they want to pursue a career in audiology or speech pathology, earning their internship hours while learning more technical skills. Undergraduates have a desire to learn and explore the topic, even if not completely set on the audiology and speech pathology course.

“As an undergraduate at Evergreen, I came in thinking I might want to start studying speech and hearing more, but I have come to be really interested in the business side of the company and they have really helped me learn and discover more about what it takes to run a solid business.”(Noah Levan, Undergraduate Intern). Evergreen knows it takes a team with many different skills to build a good company and helping these students not only makes for a better future in audiology and speech pathology but it also makes for a better clinic, with new ideas flying around all the time. This is one facet of Evergreen that keeps us on the cutting edge at all times and allows us to serve the communities as best we can. In conclusion, Ruth said it best “We pride ourselves on making the communities around us a better place, giving internship opportunities and letting people explore their interest in our field. It’s just one way we can do our best.”(Ruth, Clinic Director).