We learned of a great opportunity to give back this holiday season while also adding books to your own bookshelf (or kindle). Amazon is helping share the gift of reading by donating an e-book to the Worldreader program with any purchase of an Amazon Children’s Publishing book or e-book from December 1-December 24.
Worldreader is a US and European non-profit devoted to making digital books available to children in the developing world. As of November 2012, Worldreader has put nearly 230,000 e-books – and the life-changing, power-creating ideas contained within them – into the hands of over 1,000 children in Africa.
The kiddos in-need now read more, read better, and are in a position to improve their communities. By simply shopping you can help Worldreader reach their goal to send one-million e-books to children in Africa. A great cause promoting literacy around the world!