NFL Football in the feild before the game

Hearing Loss in the NFL

NFL San Diego Chargers Cheerleader, Melissa Adams, lost 85% of her hearing when she was five, which is also the age she began to dance. She held onto her dream to become a member of the San Diego cheerleading squad and after going through the tryout process five times, she made it onto the team two years ago.

To make up for her hearing disability, Adam’s memorizes each dance start to finish and has a teammate simply tap her on the shoulder as her cue to start. “If the music were to turn off it wouldn’t matter for me because I would just keep going,” she told FOX5 in San Diego.

Adams is a great example of being able to do anything that you put your mind to. She hopes to be an inspiration to others with disabilities and aspires to start her own non-profit for deaf and hard of hearing individuals in the future.