Evergreen Speech & Hearing Clinic is excited to offer computer-based training programs for adults and children with central auditory processing deficits, hearing loss, and language-based or reading difficulties. These programs are evidence-based, intensive intervention solutions that are completed at home and in the clinic, and overseen by our speech-language therapists. These programs are prescribed following assessment as part of an overall, customized treatment plan that is created to best meet you or your child’s needs.
Fast ForWord
Fast ForWord programs are for children with Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD), Language, Dyslexia, and/or other learning disorders. Evergreen Speech and Hearing’s clinicians work with you and your child to determine treatment needs, and monitor progress in language, literacy, and reading. Clinician’s provide weekly summaries of progress, and customized treatment sessions based off of the ongoing pattern of results.
Inspired by the work of top researchers in the field of CAPD, CAPDOTS offers specific therapy for all ages with auditory integration deficits. The intensive program is administered daily at home, with weekly check-in and progress reports provided by Evergreen Speech and Hearing’s clinicians. CAPD tests are completed post-treatment kPost-treatment CAPD test scores along with positive feedback from parents and teachers.
Listening and Communication Enhancement (LACE)
Developed by audiologists at the University of California at San Francisco, LACE® auditory training programs retrain the brain to comprehend speech up to 40% better in difficult listening situations. LACE can help patients improve their listening skills and learn strategies for dealing with situations when hearing is strained.
BrainHQ is a brain-raining system built by neuroscientists. Research shows cognitive benefits in the areas of attention, memory, processing speed, people skills, navigation, and intelligence. The program is monitored by your clinician, and often supplements treatment goals targeted during 1:1 sessions with your speech-language pathologist.
Call Evergreen Speech and Hearing Clinic at (425) 454-1883 for more information or to schedule an appointment.