The Eastside Stuttering Support Group met last night for the monthly NSA chapter meeting. Gatherigns with the Eastisde group consist of games, conversation, information, discussions, and often off site activities! In September the group went on a hike to Rattle Snake Edge (group photo above). Both friends and family were invited to join the group in this activity!
In November the chapter will be giving back through a community service event with Food Lifeline. The November 19th meeting will bring chapter members, along with their friends and family to the Shoreline facility to help box and prepare food to go out to those in hunger throughout the Western Washington region.
If you have any interest in joining the Eastside Stuttering Support Group please do not hesitate to join us at a meeting, or email me with any questions! Those who stutter, those who work with stutterers or those who just want to learn more are encouraged to participate. It really is a great group to be a part of!