Group of adults at a hearing loss support group

Regaining Control of Your Life

We all can use the support of one another from time to time, and even more so when we encounter a new life experience or journey that we aren’t completely prepared for. The Hearing Loss Association of America is one such group which can help connect you with others, help educate, and give you back the control in your life. President of the HLA board, Brenda Battat, wrote an article for the Better Hearing Institute that explains why you might be interested in taking part in a support group. We really like the twelve reasons she listed, and wanted to share with you…

Twelve Reasons Why Self-help Groups are Good for You

Self-help groups:

  • Provide a community of people with hearing loss who understand and are empathic to your unique problems
  • Help you deal with the issues of hearing loss stigma
  • Will help you understand your legal rights as a person with a hearing disability
  • Will teach you coping and communication strategies
  • Will help you to adjust and communicate your needs in a “hearing” workplace
  • Will share technologies beyond your hearing aids that will enhance your ability to function in the world
  • Will educate you on technologies and strategies for ensuring your safety
  • Will show you how to stay tuned into family conversations
  • Will suggest strategies for communicating in noisy situations
  • Will show you how to accommodate your hearing loss while traveling
  • Will empower you through exchange of knowledge, encouragement and the sharing of experiences
  • Will alleviate the despair and isolation of hearing loss through their support

If you’re wanting to get involved, the Washington state chapter has locations throughout the state, with the closest to our offices being the Bellevue chapter.