This is the third article in a three-part series on voice disorders.
The last step for a person with a voice disorder is treatment. A variety of voice disorders are treated by an SLP (ASHA, 2005). The ultimate goal of a voice program is for the person to obtain improved vocal quality long-term, with little recurrence of the voice disorder (ASHA, 2005). The literature has established that voice therapy is effective for both adults and children (ASHA, 2005). A comprehensive voice program customizes the program to each patient and his/her disorder. Activities may include stretches to release stress/tension in muscles; breathing exercises; habits to support vocal health; and ways to change how a person is using his/her voice to a more efficient pattern. Evergreen Speech and Hearing Clinic is excited to be expanding our voice program. Look for future blog posts with more information!
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2005). The use of voice therapy in the treatment of dysphonia [Technical Report]. Available from